
  • The larger a hamster’s cage, the less frequently it needs to be cleaned.
  • A full-cage cleaning tends to stress hamsters out, so when cleaning the entire enclosure, leave 10-20% of the bedding in with the new bedding. This way, your hamster will recognize their scent and will be less likely to experience a high level of stress.
  • Using a sandbox in your hamster’s enclosure will help to keep the cage and your hamster clean. 
  • Spot cleaning each week is important, as it has a significant effect on the time you can take between cleaning the entire cage. It also allows you to provide your hamster with the most healthy environment possible.
  • Cleaning the nest, and changing the sand weekly will ensure that there is no ammonia buildup that could harm your hamster’s respiratory system. You will likely notice your hamster urinating in the same area each time, so be sure to check this when spot cleaning.

  • Cleaning products:
    • 50/50 Water and vinegar mix
    • Unscented/non-toxic cleaner that’s safe for small animals
    • Chlorhexidine 2% for deep disinfecting